L’Excellence provides full scale support to clients in the process of Company Registration (Establishing, Opening) in Serbia and navigate all legal and administrative requirements, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. L’Excellence handles all the necessary paperwork, including company registration, tax registration, and obtaining the required permits and licenses. Specifically, the process of company registration in Serbia is carried out through the following phases:
Phase 1: Planning and Research
Phase 2: Company Name Reservation
Phase 3: Preparation of Documents
Phase 4: Company Registration
Phase 5: Opening a Bank Account
Phase 6: Tax Registration
Phase 7: Legal Compliance and Permits (optional)
Phase 1: Planning and Research
In this initial phase, L’Excellence conducts thorough research and planning, as one of the key services in the any establishment process. Our team conducts in-depth research and analysis of:
– Serbian market, helping client to gain valuable insights into local regulations, market trends, and potential opportunities, especially identification of all necessary prerequisites in order to ensure compliance of registered company with all applicable regulations and obtaining all necessary approvals before commencing operations in Serbia.
– Advantages and disadvantages of different forms of legal entity in Serbia, as the basis for client’s decision which form of the legal entity to establish.
– Advantages and disadvantages of different model of legal entity in Serbia, as the basis for client’s decision which model of the legal entity to establish.
– Advantages and disadvantages, including Cost-Benefit Analysis of different locations / different municipalities in Serbia where legal entity could be registered, as the basis for client’s decision.
– Peculiarities of Serbian and the laws of the client’s country of origin / the existence of bilateral agreements when it comes to the establishment and operating of a foreign company in Serbia (analysis of the laws of the client’s country of origin is outside the scope of L’Excellence‘s work and is carried out by the client himself).
As the result of this phase, type of company structure that optimally suits client’s business goals in Serbia are determined, as well as location in Serbia where the company should be registered. Also, full understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements, tax obligations, and any specific industry regulations that may apply to client’s business will be achieved.
Phase 2: Company Name Reservation
The next step is to reserve a unique company name with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA=APR on Serbian). The chosen name should comply with the legal requirements and not infringe upon existing trademarks or company names. Once the name is approved, it is reserved for a certain period, allowing client to proceed with the registration process.
Phase 3: Preparation of Documents
Coordinated by L’Excellence, the client collects the necessary documents for company registration based on a detailed list provided by L’Excellence.
Phase 4: Company Registration
Submission of the required documents to the APR for company registration is conducted by L’Excellence. Then APR reviews the application, verify the documentation, and assess compliance with legal requirements. Upon successful review, the client’s company is officially registered, and a registration number (RN=MB on Serbian) and tax identification number (TIN+PIB on Serbian) are issued.
Phase 5: Opening a Bank Account
Once the client’s company is registered, there is a need to open a business bank account with a Serbian bank to be used for financial transactions, payroll, and other financial operations. This process is guided by L’Excellence.
Phase 6: Tax Registration
Registration of the client’s company for tax purposes with the Serbian Tax Administration (“Poreska uprava” on Serbian) will be conducted by L’Excellence. This includes obtaining a VAT (Value Added Tax) number if applicable, as well as registering for other taxes such as corporate income tax and social security contributions. Because compliance with tax regulations is crucial to ensure proper financial management and avoid penalties, L’Excellence coordinates, monitors and, if needed, promptly intervenes in this process.
Phase 7: Legal Compliance and Permits (optional)
L’Excellence offers business support in obtaining additional permits, licenses, or certifications (e.g., sector-specific licenses, health and safety permits, environmental permits, or permits related to specific activities or products). Also, L’Excellence is offering support in understanding and complying with labor laws and regulations, help with registration of employees with the relevant authorities such as the Serbian Pension Fund (“PIO fond” on Serbian) and the National Health Insurance Fund (“Republički fond za zdravstveno osiguranje” on Serbian), and ensuring that employment contracts, salaries, and working conditions adhere to legal requirements.